My mother who is 70 believes that if she had to raise kids in todays world she wouldnt do anything different then she did before. She says that she would never have TVs in bedrooms, cell phones to take to school, or all of these gadgets and toys that kids are getting, and at Christmas and birthdays they get way to many things. I have a 12 and 15 year old and I believe that kids are different and I do believe it is because they are getting too much. But I believe if my mother would treat her children of today the same as yesterday it wouldnt work because they would still act the same and find out a way to get the same things as other kids. Everyone says that kids of today are the most selfish, but is it because parents give them anything they want, to keep up with other parents? Could it also be because mothers are working and they don't see what their teenagers are up to, when they are hanging out with the wrong kind of kids?