
What is diffrent in between accident and incident?

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What is diffrent in between accident and incident?




  1. From the point of view of a public servant (firefighter) everything is an incident not an accident because accident implies there is no one to blame

  2. Accident is unintentionally caused. Incident is purposely caused.

  3. it depends on if u have a cdl incedent is like their isnt a second party like backing into a fennce accident is a rollover hit someone

  4. Accident:

    -An accident is something going wrong unexpectedly. Physical examples include an unavoidable collision (including a person or object falling by chance). The term is also loosely applied to mean any undesirable outcome, even if it could have been avoided, such as getting injured by touching something sharp, hot, electrically live, ingesting poisons, or other injuries caused by lack of ordinary precautions.

    -A sudden, unexpected, unusual, specific, violent, external event which results in a Loss.

    -any occurrence which results in personal injury, disease or death, or property damage.

    Technically, accidents do not include incidents where someone is at fault (e.g. negligent); for example, if someone fails to take reasonable precautions in the circumstances. If the results of such negligence were foreseeable, they were not accidental, and the negligent person can be held responsible for any consequences of such negligence. In an "accident", nobody can really be held liable because the event was unforeseeable or very unlikely (for example, if one's computer is knocked over by a friend unintentionally, it was accident; however, one could blame the friend for being careless).

    Often, accidents are investigated so that we can learn how to avoid them in the future. This is sometimes called root cause analysis, but does not generally apply to accidents that cannot be predicted with any certainty. For example, a root cause of a purely random incident may never be identified, and thus future similar accidents remain "accidental."


    -a single distinct event

    -An event that has caused or has the potential to cause damage to an organization's business systems, facilities, or personnel.

    -An incident is an occurrence or event.

  5. Accident is a wreck! Incedent is a speeding ticket!

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