
What is diplomatic immunity?

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what is it, and how does one qualify for it, do they have to be foreign, how does it work, does is mean you can committ a crime without being in trouble, and what are its benefits and downfalls




  1. Let Peter Griffin explain.

    its were you are in a high political position in a different and you visit the us and since the us doesnt want a war if the said person was to lets say rape a 16 year old they would not be arrested

  2. u cant get any consequences for doing anything that is against the law

    most people dont have this but every ambassador from another country have this  

  3. It's a travesty in which a foreign national is allowed to be immune from our laws, and shouldn't be allowed for certain crimes..  

  4. It means we have a reciprocal agreement with a country which entitles foreign citizens who work for their own embassy or government in that country to certain privileges and consideration. There are different rules, requirements and stipulations depending on the agreement and the country. It does not mean you are immune from prosecution on any crime. Many governments use it as a courtesy.

  5. It shouldn't be anything if you get charged with a crime anywhere it is still a crime , a crime is a crime is a crime who cares if you are Indian, and you got convicted in Singapore for key scratching a car, and you get 40 lashes or a couple days in prison you knew it was wring you shouldn't have done it in the first place.

  6. If you have diplomatic immunity, you unable to catch any diseases.  No.  I'm just kidding.

    It means that foreign diplomats are immune from prosecution in the country they are assigned to.  You can see the value in having a diplomat being free from worries of being arrested for being the messenger of unpopular views in a country they are sent to.  At least they should be free from being harassed in their host country.  The downside is that you can get some diplomats who use diplomatic immunity to commit petty offenses such as racking up huge numbers of parking tickets, etc.  In the most serious cases, diplomatic immunity has been used to protect diplomatic staff from offenses such as drunk driving ,hit and run accidents, and even murder.

    I guess you can look at this in two ways.  Diplomatic immunity is a positive in protecting a country's diplomats from harassment, but there is a danger of it being abused.  If a nation's diplomatic staff repeatedly abuses it's privilege of diplomatic immunity, the host country can tell them to leave - that they are no longer welcome in the host country.

  7. it means u cant be sued so u have to be like a super hero or like  cop saving the world

  8. that means he cant be charged or tried or convicted for a crime in on foreign soil. basically he./she is untouchable

  9. Diplomatic immunity is the privilege of an ambassador and part of his party to be free of any charges in another country.

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