
What is direct criticism??

by Guest63808  |  earlier

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  1. You really can't be more direct than that question. It is an it is what it is sort of what is.

  2. The   indecent way of faultfinding

  3. direct criticism is directly telling someone that they need to do something differently, or that you don't like something that they do. Indirect criticism, on the other hand, is making a general comment or stating an example where a person had similar behavior that you disapprove of that does not directly address the person, but does apply to the person, .

    for example: If I knew an omnivorous, flip-flop-wearing, jealous smoker, and I hate smoking, eating animals, jealousy, and I think flip-flops are ugly make his or her feet look big...

    direct criticism:

    1. I think you should stop eating animals because it's bad for you and it's bad for the environment.

    2. Your flip-flops are ugly, and they make your feet look big.

    3. Quit smoking; it makes you smell bad and it will give you lung cancer!

    4. Why are you so jealous? It's ridiculous and immature! You need to stop being jealous!

    indirect criticism:

    1. I think people need to go vegetarian because it's bad for their health and the environment.

    2. My cousin wears flip-flops and they make her feet look big. I think flip-flops are really ugly.

    3. Why do people smoke? It is so bad for them! It gives them lung cancer and makes them smell bad; I just don't get it!

    4. My friend has this boy friend, and whenever she even waves at another guy he gets angry and jealous. That is so dumb and immature!

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