
What is distance between civitavecchia italy to rome italy.civitavecchia is big city?

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What is distance between civitavecchia italy to rome italy.civitavecchia is big city?




  1. Civitavecchia is the port city where cruise ships dock. If your traveling by car, it's approximately 1 1/2 -2hours to Rome.Civitavecchia is pretty big in terms of commerce, But Rome surpasses it in terms of Culture.

  2. it's quite close to Rome...around 70 km or something like that. No, it's quite a small town (i don't think it even reaches 50 000 people) which bases all of it's economy on it's port of transportation and trades. And btw, no, it is not more economically relevant than Rome, in any terms at all (i cant believe someone said that).

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