
What is dominant masculinity? What does it mean today to you?

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What is dominant masculinity? What does it mean today to you?




  1. It is not necessary to have bulging muscles and no show of emotion to have masculine dominance. The dominance factor is in the mind. There are different shades of dominance but basically the dominant male would control whatever situation he was in and from whatever angle.

  2. It means:

    when I was little, If my dad gave me a look when I misbehave, I would be obedient, otherwise I would got a a$$ whooping.

    When I grow up, I manage how to face my boss If I mess up on my work.

    To me, the dominant masculinity is "Fear", and I've been living in this shadow for my 25 years life....I don't hold grudge towards men, I just have fear for them, especially middle-aged, bearded, "masculine" men....that's why I like feminine guys

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