
What is done with nuclear waste materials?

by  |  earlier

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i asked a lot of ppl this question and noone seemed to know or want to know what's being done with nuclear waste-this is disturbing to me.




  1. High-Level waste (spent nuclear fuel), which is really "hot" radioactive, gets stored near the nuclear reactor it comes from . . . until Yucca Mountain gets finished (in the United States)

    Low-Level waste just gets buried somewhere.

  2. they are stored in secure areas you could try ebay but there might be a knock on your door remember big brother sees all LOL

  3. It get safely stored in Yucca Mountain Nevada.

  4. some is buried underground, some is put in the sea, some is buried under the sea bed, i think some is put on tectonic plate boundaries.

    there are probably other places too but these are what i learnt in my science lessons a few weeks ago.

    nucleur waste will take an incredibly long time to lose their radioactivity, and their containers will proably rust or something by then, so who knows whats being done about it...


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