
What is done with the toll you pay to get into Wales?

by Guest61095  |  earlier

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i'd like to know where the money goes when you pay the toll into Wales. What do they use it for?




  1. You have to pay to go to Wales?


    I bet it is collected by the government so they can give it to the dictator of a third world country - like the £45 million they gave to Zimbabwe last week.

  2. Why would anyone pay to get into Wales?

  3. Some of it is to cover the maintainance of the bridge, and the wages of the people who sit there and get paid to take your money.

    Some of it is creamed off as profit, as it is a private company.

    Whether any of it goes towards good causes or anything useful, I'm afraid I don't know, but I don't think it does.

  4. I've never had to pay to get into Wales, although it's a few months since I last went there. When did they start charging?

  5. There's technically no toll to pass into Wales only if you use the Severn Bridge or the second severn crossing and the toll is used for the upkeep of the bridge.

  6. You mean they actually charge, news to me.

  7. It's not for entering Wales, it's to pay for the construction of the bridge!!

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