
What is dont eat the worm when your drinking tequila?

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What is dont eat the worm when your drinking tequila?




  1. Mezcal (similar to Tequila, but not Tequila) has a worm in the bottom of every bottle. These worms (actually they aren't even worms, they are Butterfly Larvae) live in the Agave plant that Mezcal and Tequila are made from.  

    I am not positive on if you can get sick from eating the worm.  But it is like taking a shot of alcohol.  I've eaten the worm.

  2. There is a worm in the bottom of the bottle.

  3. tequila worms contain mescaline if u eat to many you'll hallucinate

  4. I think that the brand of tequila that has the worm in it, also has the drug mescaline (mezcal) in it.  they say don't eat the worm cause the worm soaks up a lot of the mezcal and some people get sick when they take the worm others don't...

  5. Whenever the worm is present when I had the last drink; I ate the worm.  I do not recall ever getting off on the worm. I have extensive experience with hallucinogenics such as mescaline and LSD, so I would know.  i was always told that the worm comes from the Agave plant and that is the wood that Tequila is aged in,  the agave plant is said to be hallucinogenic; but like I said b4; I didn't get off.

    I did get drunk a lot splitting 5ths of tequila.

  6. means dont suck the c**k when your drunk

  7. they put a worm in tequila to prove it is real and not mostly water. if it is a lot of water, the worm rots, if it is tequila, the worm is whole.

    some hard core types eat the thing after they finish the bottle.

  8. the worm is supposed to be poisonous i think...

  9. #1 because there isn't one.

    There actually isn't a worm in any tequila.

    By law in Mexico, it's not allowed.

    What you're referring to is Mezcal, an entirely different type of alcohol, which happens to also be distilled from agave cactus like tequila.

    The worm, too, is not really a worm, it's a larva, and usually only put into cheap gimicky bottles of Mezcal so drunk US college kids can claim they "ate the worm".

    Personally, I wouldn't touch cheap Mezcal or a worm with a 10' pole!

    And you can't really get drunk just from eating the larva; think about it. It's pretty small, and even if it's completely soaked up in alcohol, that's less than a tablespoon of liquor. If you get nasty after-affects from it, it probably has more to do with the fact that you ate a bug.  There is no hallucinogenic effects and mezcal has no relation to mescaline.

    #2 - I wouldn't eat the worm in a bottle of mezcal because it's cheap, gimicky and nasty.

    Since you're the 771st person to ask virtually the same question, check out some of the prior answers to find out more.

  10. There is a brand of Tequila that has a worm in the bottle.

  11. Thats hilarious, ha ha ha. Eat a worm,ha ha ha ha

  12. there is this brand of tequila in mexico that prides itself in being the best the use this type of plant that worms r always found around. so to prove its the real deal they started putting a worm in every bottle.

    now dont eat the worms is basicly saying dont finish the bottle because its bad to reach the bottom of the tequila bottle because it means ur drunk and might it the worm(not that its bad for you just gross)

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