
What is doping & why do sportsmen take banned substance? what are all the medicines are banned & why?

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I want to know what are all the medicines or substances banned and why?




  1. doping is an illegal act of consuming drugs in boosts de person consumed and tat person cannot get easily tired... ex: cocaine,marijuana,narcotics and some more...

  2. Sportsmen take performance enhancing drugs to improve their performance illeagly by giving themselves an extra edge which is unfair to the rest of the players participating. So this is why Performance Enhancing Drugs are banned~

  3. Doping is taking performance enhancing drugs so that they do not feel pain, faitgue and have full energy all the time, which when compared to normal human limitations, is much higher.

    To encourage and provide a free environment for fair play and gaming, these performance enhancing drugs are banned and people who take them too are banned ofcourse.

  4. Doping is the process of taking any illegal drugs (whether by orally, injecting, snorting, taking anally etc) to improve one's athletic performance.

    Sportsmen take performance enhancing drugs to improve their performance illeagly by giving themselves an extra edge which is unfair to the rest of the players participating. So this is why Performance Enhancing Drugs are banned!!

    Ben (above) has a good link to all the drugs that are banned!!

  5. watch asif and u will know it

  6. Doping is the act of takings drugs to improve one's athletic performance. (In electronics, Doping is adding impurities to a semiconductor in order to modify its properties).

    So it goes without saying that sportsmen take drugs to enhance or improve their performance, which will give them an unfair advantage over their rivals.

    WADA has a big list of banned substances(Download PDF )

  7. In sports, doping refers to the use of performance-enhancing drugs, particularly those forbidden by organizations that regulate competitions. Doping is mostly done to improve athletic performance. This is why many sports ban the use of performance enhancing drugs.

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