
What is driver's ed like?

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The driving part where you are required to drive with some person. I am starting it tomorrow and am wondering exactly what they do and what they tell you to do. Can you tell me exactly? I am so scared. Is it good to ask questions and ask where stuff is in the car and stuff?




  1. I just took it this summer. I guess it depends on your instructor. Mine was really cool and relaxed. He drove us to a parking lot for the first and we practiced right and left turns, parking, stopping, etc. Then when we got the hang of that we drove in residential areas. I was really nervous too because I had never driven anything in my life. I got the hang of it very quickly though and you most likely will too. I would definately ask questions but also try and show off some of your knowledge of the vehicle.

  2. The driving can be fun sometimes.

    Don't be scared. All you do is drive and they say turn left, or turn right, and that's pretty much it. If you messed up something they will help you and tell you how to do it right the next time. Yes, it is good to ask questions. That means you want to learn and know where things are. Just relax, pretend you're driving with your parents or something. It's no big deal.

  3. i'm just like you. it's my 2nd day with my instructor. my instructor happens to be a teacher like person. i can only do what he tells me to do; no more, no less. i can't ask too many questions, coz he says "do as i tell you to" it's not all that fun for me. depends on what kind of teacher you get....if you get one like mine, you won't learn so much. biggest thing you wanna be concerned with is to LEARN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN or EVEN MORE THAN have to GET IT from him. he will try NOT TO GIVE, so you could pay more money, and stay with him longer time.  

  4. Relax. They just have you drive around with a driving instructor. He observes your driving and gives you tips and stuff on how to become a better safer driver. They make sure you are doing everything you are suppose to. And ALWAYS ask questions if you are not sure about something. Whats the harm in asking.

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