
What is dublin like now, i use to live there 10 years ago?

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What is dublin like now, i use to live there 10 years ago?




  1. its like we were invaded, try find an Irish person on O'Connell st

  2. Its quite different actually. There are new housing estates all over the place. Alot more apartments too out in the suburbs. All out around Blanch where there was nothing but fields and caravans when i was younger is all houses stretching right to Meath.

    They put pointy roofs on the houses in Ballyfermot (no more flat corrigated tin roofs). Ballymun is completely differnt the towers are gone.

    O' Connell street is completely different. They "did it up" but as far as i can tell all the did was make it so when your crossing the road at Henry street its hard to tell when the path ends and the road begins. It cost millions. Millions for the  a few pot plants a big pole and the pleasure of stepping off the path into an oncomming bus.

    Also theres an The Ann Summers s*x Shop on O'Connell street now. The giving out when that opened was crazy. Aul ones were up in arms.

    The floozie in the jacuzzi is gone too. We have the spike now which i think looks stupid. Some names we've given it are - the nail in the pale, the skewer in the sewer, the stiletto in the ghetto.

    Moore street is so different. It still has the stalls but its got alot of Asian and eastern European shops too.

    Grafton street hasnt changed as much except Switzers window is gone. No more bringing the kids in to see the Christmas display in Switzers window anymore. I miss that. It Brown Thomas's now.

    I love Dublin.

  3. Dublin has improved in all sorts of ways and will continue to improve if the planning people get things right. O'Connell Street will hopefully be ten times better when a major building project is completed in the next few years.

    For all other Dublin questions see my profile.

  4. It's much better than it was 10 years ago. Much less parochial and inward-looking.

    Did you leave because you couldn't find work? There is lots more work available now, which has meant many people from all over the world coming to Ireland. It's the best thing has happened the place in years.

  5. I love Dublin now. My dad is from Dublin and we used to visit it all the time but I hated it because it was manky and congested. Now I'm in college here and I adore it.

    It's got a real cultural mix, there's tonnes of stuff to do and the streets are wider, with less traffic and more room to move for pedestrians. While the renovation of O'Connel street doesn't please some people I love it personally, it's a lot less depressing than it used to be and the Spire (or the erection at the intersection, the stiffy by the liffery and others listed above) is gorgeous on a really nice day.

    Temple Bar, while still absolutely chockablock with tourists, has some really interesting stuff to do and Trinity College put on some class art shows now and then.

    It's great to be young and living in Dublin!

  6. Its ******* shameful what they are trying to do to Dublin, Dublin is famous for being old, and cobbeled stoned and smelly pubs etc etc. but you'll now find all these sterile looking buildings and streamline shops, we dont need to look like the rest of European cities! We are unique and should be proud of it!

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