
What is easier to learn and play?

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- bass guitar

- Drums

- guitar..?




  1. in my opinion i think bass is easiest, then guitar, then drums.....

  2. Your question is based largely on opinion; learning a new instrument comes differently to each person.

    Personally, I would say drums would be easiest. It is easier to get a feel for what you're doing quickly. The "notes" are more defined, in that each drum is a different "note". In guitar, the notes are all over and you need to memorize them, and you need to develop a musical ear if you do not already have one.

    That is just one opinion, and whatever instrument you decide I wish you luck with!

  3. No instrument is easy, well, not unless you are very bad at playing it. You have to work for things, in real life, almost nothing comes "naturally"!

  4. um do you mean the electrc bass or double bass?

    And if Double Bass will you play it bowed or plucked?

    If its an electric bass, that will be the easiest.

  5. I don't think any of those instruments are "easy," but every instrument has its difficulties.  If you're looking for a good solo instrument, I'd go for guitar. It's portable, and if you can sing that would be great.  Once you've learned the guitar, I think it would make learning the bass guitar a little easier on you if you decide to do that.

  6. bass is the simplest, only 4 strings as opposed to guitars 6, and depending on how good your rhythm is drums would be pretty easy, i've never been able to get the hang of it, but ts worth a shot

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