
What is easiest to grow indoors? yucca,dracaena bicolor, ficus or palm plant?

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i would love to have a large plant in my living room but dont know which of these i should will be in a bright room but not direct sunlight..




  1. I agree with Dee.... a dracaena is a great plant... but I'd choose Ficus over either of the other two.... it's easy to love as long as you don't move it around.... they like to stay in one place....  

  2. Having a bright room you can grow any of  those you have listed, but the EASIEST would be a Dracaena, as they are the hardiest out of your choices, and take alot of neglect. A palm always looks nice too,

    but you must remember to water but not overwater them and they

    are not going to be as easy as a Drac, but also not difficult to maintain. Whichever you may buy, good luck!

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