
What is ecological aggression?

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I have been reading some legal documents where it was clearly stated that ecological aggression is prohibited. What the h**l is that? Coercive transplanting of woods?




  1. Actually Deke,

    Its another attack on the US and others who BUY material from other nations, and they they then get all ticked off saying that we robed them of their resources.

    its another excess for failure, to put the blame on others instead of saying we took the money and wasted it on new cars, palaces, and jets instead of helping lift up the nation, as they did in most cases.

  2. I think it's a manifesto against crabgrass and dandelions.

  3. it's kind of like this...

  4. It's when mother nature attacks. I saw a Fox special about it one time.

  5. No, dude.  Remember that part in Lord of the Rings when the Ents took out Isengard?  THAT is ecological aggression.

  6. Have you seen that scene in Poltergeist where the tree tries to eat the kid?


  7. Don't quote me, but it seems to mean replacement of native biodiverse ecology with non-native monoculture, i.e., the biofuel programs in the developing countries so aggressively subsidized by the developed countries that the rain forests are being cut down to try to grow corn. [ugh!]

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