
What is edging??????

by Guest67020  |  earlier

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What is edging??????




  1. The act of prolonging ejaculation for increased masturbatory pleasure.  

  2. bring ur self to the place to where u are about to come and stopping and doing it again

  3. It's like running to a cliff as fast as you can, and seeing if you can stop right before you fall off. You might be able to keep yourself from falling, but not if the idea is eventually let yourself fall.  

  4. It's pretty much self explanatory but so far all the answers are correct. You get yourself right to the edge of ejaculation then suddenly stop. If you feel like you might have gone over the edge, squeeze the base of your p***s with two fingers to cut off the sensation and throbbing.It works most of the time but sometimes you will go over the edge. Once you get the hang of it you can go on for hours.
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