
What is ee and er national insurance?

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What is ee and er national insurance?




  1. ee employee / ee employer, each time you get paid your employer is required to pay nation insurance,like wise you are required to pay nation insurance on the amount you have then pay tax,each person has a tax code this depends on if have you have owed the tax from other years,if you have more then one job,the amount you earn,you pay income tax on any saving you have,if you have investments that earn an income for will pay more nation insurance depending on the amount you earn,this is then collected by the tax people who hand it over to people on benefits, hospitals and the elderly , the army navy and air force,the royals,government post holders the places the county holds like government buildings and nation museums,space missions

  2. ee: Employee national insurance, this is deducted from your gross salary.

    er: Employer national insurance, your employer pays this and isn't deducted from your salary.

  3. It is simply employee rate and employer rate. Your National Insurance Contribution payment is made up of your payment and  that of your employer.

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