
What is electronic smog? Is it really so bad for health?

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How can we protect ourselves from electronic smog? Someone told me that one can actually `hear' how it sounds...if the recording is on the internet, can someone please send me a link it?




  1. Electronic smog is something that doesn't really exist and so isn't worth protecting yourself from.

    Those who claim that non-ionising radiation cause cancer are just quacks and need to be dismissed as such.  The whole power line cancer c**p has been pretty conclusively shown to be nonsense and so has the mobile phone causes cancer idea.

    If you look at which experiments find an effect it's usually the bad ones while all the well controlled experiments find no difference.  It really does seem that electrosensitivity is entirely psychosomatic.

  2. Salt Lamps > Electro pollution and the salt lamp

    At the beginning of 21st century, we can hardly imagine living without many electric devices, they make it easier for us to work in the office, at home & they entertain us. However we do not realize that they are also a source of very harmful positive ions - ELECTRIC SMOG.

    The harmful effect of electric smog results in the deterioration of the condition of air which may negatively affect our physical and emotional state.

    Sources of harmful positive ions are:

        * computer monitors

        * TV sets

        * Electric heaters

        * Dryers

        * Vacuum cleaners

        * Microwave ovens

        * Tobacco smoke

    Scientific research has proven that the amount of ions in the environment acceptable by humans, should range between 1000-1500/cm3.

    Scientific tests have revealed that the ratio negative to positive ions should be between 1.02to 0.98.

    In closed rooms where a few people work at the same time the amount of negative ions may fall to as low as 200/cm3.

    The positive effect of negative ions can be experienced on a visit to a salt mine, by the sea or walking right after the storm. Now we know how important it is to make sure that harmful effect of electric smog is reduced to a minimum in the rooms we work.

    The cheapest and simplest method of fighting against electric smog is to air rooms regularly, particularly those where few people stay together and have many electric machines or where cigarettes are smoked.

    You can use air ionisers which are a bit to help you remove electric smog or a natural salt lamp.  

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