
What is empathic listening ? explain also its type .?

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What is empathic listening ? explain also its type .?




  1. It is where you do not try to provide answers, advice or your opinion.  You listen and reflect back what you heard in your own words.  You do not want to just repeat back what people say becaus they will catch on very quickly and think you are mocking them, playing them, or really do not care.

    So the person says:  "He called me a jerk, and it pissed me off."

    Bad response: "So he calle you a jerk and it pissed you off?"

    Better response:  "I can see that made you angry."

    The idea is you cannot comment on what the other person is saying until they feel you understand them.

    I like Retro Ray's answer too.

  2. From Richard Salem's essay "Empathic Listening":

    "Empathic listening (also called active listening or reflective listening) is a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding and trust. It is an essential skill for third parties and disputants alike, as it enables the listener to receive and accurately interpret the speaker's message, and then provide an appropriate response. The response is an integral part of the listening process and can be critical to the success of a negotiation or mediation..."

    I am unsure of the meaning of your request to "explain its type," however, Salem's essay provides a thorough and comparatively brief explanation of "empathic listening."

    Please see:

    In addition to Salem's essay, I commend to you an essay from the Relationship Institute titled, "Empathic Listening."

    Please see:

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