
What is e***a?

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  1. An e***a (plural enemata or enemas) is the procedure of introducing liquids into the r****m and colon via the a**s. It can be used as alternate health therapies or erotic uses as well.

  2. it is a way of cleanng out the bowels by the use of a siringe atatched to a rubber bag by a hose fill aparatius with water insert siring ino a**s hang bag up high and let water fill you up.then push out the water and waste in to toilet .thare is a valve on modern bags.and you can buy them for rectal and vaginal use at the druggstore.   this has been done by many cultures threw out the centurys includeimg some native american cultures.

  3. it is a way for people who are constipated to go to the bathroom.
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