
What is energy????????

by Guest44573  |  earlier

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just about every AltMed uses the term "energy" I know that energy is the measure of force required to perform a certain 'task' but that is clearly not what is being refered to when people talk about energy flow. .. So what are they talking about? can you have a 'kilogram flow 'also?




  1. Altmed is altmed because it is made up on the hoof and has little if any scientific basis.

    Energy, energy flow or whatever means whatever the practitioner wants it to mean, which is simply to confuse the unwary into the belief that there is some truth in their ramblings.  Trying to relate this nonsense to rationalised science is taking rubbish seriously, but at least you have enough sense to question it, some fools believe it, and provide the altmed folk with a living.

  2. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change from one form to another.

  3. Energy has many forms. It can be as dramatic as propeling objects in directions or producing heat etc but there is also a lot of it in the background.

    Sub atomic particles are constantly oscilating around an axis and their are forces holding these subatomic particles together which are not completely understood.

    it has been theorised that at absolute zero the sub atomic particles would stop oscilating and everything would come to a complete standstill. This has never been proven because no one has been able to create the test conditions.

    In short there are lots of thing are unexplained, for example why are objects in space attracted to each other (gravity)?

    Contrary to what Darren G said, I have studied Physics Although not to graduate level) I have had indepth conversations with physicists about the engineering of the universe and some of them agree that energies like Chi, Qi prama or the god force are possibilities.

    A tutor at Uni who was both a structural and Cranial practituioner actually had a degree in Physics before he went on to do osteopathy.

    Another cranial tutor had an interest in Quantum physics and had a large collection of books on the subject.

    I think you'll find that many people into energy therapies have an interest in physics but in a more abstract form than hard mathematics.

  4. E= MC2

    Energy is mass x the speed of light squared.

    Please don't ask me to explain the equation though. It's the theory of relativity by Albert Einstein...

  5. Energy is the force required to perform the task of living. And we all try to live in good health and in the best possible way. There is nothing "foo foo" about it.

    When you say: "I don't have the energy to do this", you mean just that. You don't have the strength or force to do the task at hand.

    When the life energy gets so thin that not even your heart manages to pump blood around your body, you die.

    It is this energy that needs to be produced optimally in the body for us to have enough of it to live, to enjoy ourselves and to repair our cells during our sleep.

    Our "fuel" to create that energy is mainly food, water and air. The quality of our food, water and air determine the quality of our blood - which itself determines the quality of life.

    We also get our energy from recreation, the things we like to do, our work if we love it, music, dancing, a hike through nature - it's very individual. Mental and emotional energy are very important to the quality of life. You may get excellent organic food and unpolluted air and water, but if you are really depressed, your life quality will not be very high.

    Most Alternative Health Methods try to find out what is preventing the person from creating good energy and having enough of it to regain their good health.

    Hope this answers your question.

    Wishing you all the best! Thanks for asking this important question!

    Lisa J

    Edit after your comment:

    Recreation gives you mental and emotional energy testable by how much more work you manage to do afterwards, how much better you feel and how better you think! Not spiritual energy, but life energy (how do you measure life?)

    Mental and emotional are far from the same as spiritual (which is not in my books).

    Mental = thought processes and patterns

    Emotional = how I react to what happens around me: anger, pleasure, laughter, tears etc.

    Both very real and measurable by their effect (like wind in the leaves).

    Spiritual is another dimension altogether which serious practitioners of alternative health methods do not get into.

  6. In physics and other sciences, energy (from the Greek ἐνέργεια - energeia, "activity, operation", from ἐνεργός - energos, "active, working"[1]) is a scalar physical quantity that is a property of objects and systems which is conserved by nature. Energy is often defined as the ability to do work.

  7. The average altmed fantasist has never read a physics book in their life, and has no business abusing the word "energy" in their bid to justify their bizarre ideas.

  8. I think you'll find that when this term is used in the AltMed section people don't really know what they're talking about. They're almost certainly referring to a spiritual type of energy, which has no scientific explanation.


    EDIT: Lisa J, who said there was anything 'foo foo' (?!) about it? I said there wasn't a scientific explanation for it and there isn't. What you said was an explanation, but it was in no way scientific, which I believe is what Angelhil is after.
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