
What is equivalant offence in the U.S?for ABH . it was a first offence situation?

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the outcome was 200hrs community service £500 fine and 6 month suspended sentence




  1. I think you will need to tell Americans what ABH means.

    that seems a bit heavy too me, it must have been a pretty bad beating you gave out. when i got done for ABH i got a £100 fine only.

  2. You Brits.

    ABH seems to stand for Actual Bodily Harm, something that appears to be defined as more than just a trifling push and requiring some sort of obvious injury.

    In the US, each state defines the elements of its own criminal statutes.  Most states would define what I *think* ABH means as either a simple or aggravated assault.  In California, it would probably be nothing more than just a simple battery.

    Punishment for a first offense would like involve a fine, some period of probation, and possibly some time in jail but that's difficult to say for sure.

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