
What is ethanol fuel?

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What is ethanol fuel?




  1. 100% corn


    85% corn and 15% gasoline


    80% gasoline and 20% corn

    Get your act together find out what your asking!!! STU

  2. Fuel made from alcohol.  Ethanol is a non drinkable alcohol.  It can be made from almost any plant matter.  In the U.S. ethanol is made mainly from corn.  In Brazil saw grass is used.  Brazil is the worlds leader in ethanol production.  The U.S. imports part of the ethanol it uses from Brazil.

  3. It is basically alcohol. The same kind as in liquor.

  4. bioethanol is a manufactured replacement for petrol, an dis currently available at most garage pumps in the UK.

    unlike biodiesel which is basically recycled vegetable oil... i know, coz i bought  a volvo diesel which had been run on chip oil... but heres a tip, DON'T get it from dirty dans burger van...

    cos it stinks... and it cost 260 quid to put right... ah..clarkeson didnt mention that... did he?

  5. it is a mixture of a bunch of crops&& grains to substitute for gasolene.

  6. Pretty much a bust.

    It was thought to help with gas prices, but it turns out it costs more to make, pollutes more and creates less gas mileage.

    And that's not the worst part.  Since it's made from corn, it's caused the price of just about every food product to nearly double.  The politicians are sold on it, so we're screwed again.

  7. Ethanol fuel is made from corn.By law today 10% Ethanol is added to your regular gasoline in a half hearted attempt to decrease our dependane on foreign oil.

  8. Its the lower grade version of grain alcohol consumed as a beverage for centuries, but now touted as a "cleaner burning, carbon neutral" alternative to gasoline.  It should not be confused with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol or methyl alcohol / methanol (shellac and paint thinner and race car fuel).

  9. It's a relatively new biofuel made from ethyl alcohol.

    Read this for more info:

  10. Fuel made from Ethanol
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