
What is everyone's take on global warming?

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I'm very curious as to what people think. And if you've seen Al Gore's presentation "inconvenient truth" state so.




  1. it is real. it is not caused by humans. it is a natural cycle of the earth. there is nothing we can do to slow it down or stop it.

  2. its a myth!

  3. Funny you should ask.  After 4 months of research on global climate change so that I could better discuss the topic, write an article, and invest myself actively in my grandson's future, I finally saw "An Inconvenient Truth" last night.

    I was impressed. And shocked to realize that 8 out of 10 skeptics on this site who criticize Gore and the film have obviously not seen it.

    I didn't learn much that I didn't already know  -- about halfway through I had to pause and get my notepad to jot down a few notes  -- but what I've already learned makes it clear that there's something seriously wrong on the planet.  Earth has generously provided for our sustinance for thousands of years, and in just a few short centuries mankind has imperiled the ability of the planet to provide for our species in the future, while simultaneously leading thousands of species to the edge of extinction.

    This is not the future we want for our planet.  There is still time to affect change.  It will take education and action at all levels.

    I'll toss out a few sites for you or anyone interested in learning more.  I encourage that heartily.  I feel empowered by learning what's going on and finding out what I can do.

  4. Real, mostly caused by us.

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Yes, I've seen Gore's movie, but it has NOTHING to do with my knowledge of the facts.  I've also spent many hours reading actual science on this, peer reviewed articles, books, etc.

  5. I have also seen 'An Inconvenient Truth', but I am still unsure about the effacy of Global Warming(GW), though I am not hard and fast with this opinion. Recently, due to the effects of El Nina in the Pacific, the world is actually cooling at the moment. So much for the mathemetical models on GW, which are now completely wrong in their expensive near and mid future predictions. But I certainly do think that there are strange weather events happening in World right now - with regular vicious storms in both UK and America, massive floods in Bangaladesh, famine and wars in Africa -

    it is odd.

    On top of GW we also have economic turmoil, an unstable, weak dollar, possible peak oil, stock market turmoil, food shortages, sub-prime problems, pollution etc to contend with.

    Not many plus points out there in the world right now.....

  6. I'm a 51 year old Australian who's taken a general interest in science all my life.  For many years I've followed a science journalism show on radio called "The Science Show", presented  by the outstanding broadcaster Robyn Williams [no, not the American actor - this Williams is British-born, living in Australia for decades - but he also has a wicked sense of humour!]

    Well, I have great respect for this Robyn Williams and for the numerous eminent scientists he interviews from all around the world, and they all believe that GW is real, caused by human activities, and an urgent, major problem.

    This radio program is not of course my only source of information about GW: I also read quality newspapers and books, watch news, current affairs, and documentaries on TV [no, I haven't seen "The Inconvenient Truth"], and listen to BBC radio amongst others. In spite of all this, Al Gore has NOT been influential in the formation of my opinions.

    My conclusion from all these info sources is that GW is real, caused by human activities, and an urgent, major problem.

  7. Global Warming is real. It can be measured, scaled  and documented. By any scientific standard that is gold. As one of my physics profs used to say if you can't measure it, it does not exist. So we can measure it and it exists.

    Not sure if this is a normal cycle or man made but it seems to me that it may be both. In any case the ice caps are melting, glaciers are melting, ocean currents are changing and we can measure that.

    The forecast for more intense storms seems to be coming true. Maybe not for a specific area but if you look at storm activity globally there are some strange things going on. Such as the the Cyclone that hit the Arabian Peninsula last year which has never happened in known history.

    I have seen the Al Gore movie and it is not important why it is happening. What is important is that it is happening. I would not buy coastal property. I would not go to the sunbelt, running out of water. Don't live in a flood plain or seismically active areas, as the weight of ice is removed from the tectonic plates there could be more tectonic activity.

    Use some common sense. Like don't stand in the middle of the tracks if you can hear the train coming. Doesn't matter which train it is, or who is driving. If you stand in the middle of the tracks you are going to get smashed.

    Oh, when the Greenland ice  cap melts it will raise the sea level 20 feet, when the Antarctic ice cap melts it will be 120 feet. So if you are considering buying real estate look at the maps below and consider buying a boat if you are interested in certain locations.

  8. It's real.

    It's dangerous!!!

    We need to do something about it.

  9. A very natural process that has happened many times in the history of our planet. As such, there is nothing to worry about, and nothing man can do about it. Global cooling is going to be the killer. Just think about that. Think food and energy. And it is coming.

  10. we have turned the carbon and nitrogen cycles into cascades, by burning fossil fuels and forests, excessive use of fertilisers, and draining of peat bogs.

    at the same time we are removing the vegetation that would address the imbalance, and affecting the ability of marine organisms to do the same.

    the sea is reaching its capacity to absorb co2, when it turns into a net emitter is when the real big changes will happen, and it really will be too late then to do anything but adapt.

    we have the tech. to address this emergency, we have to get the will, and fast.

    i havnt seen the film, i have been researching this for years out of personal concern.

  11. For me it's enough to look out of the window to see something is going on with the weather. It's been crazy for few last years. Like now - spring started 2 months before it should. The summers are getting warmer, the winters are either non existant or extreme. Now it's a joking theme, but if it'll continue... Once it'll get regullary more than 35° in the summer here, I don't want to live. (Czech - middle Europe)

  12. Al Gore's movie was a joke. It wasn't even totally about globaa warming (haha... those intense moments of Gore in the car looking out the window made me wanna laugh. Also, what on earth was the deal with the presidential election scene?)

    GLobal Warming is a scam!

  13. Gore's movie is a prevaricator's dream.

    So is AGW.

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