
What is everyones problem with our troops protecting us at war?

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stop saying"take the troops home" they dont want to! they went over willingly to be heroes and protect us. they should be praised not told to come home! if they leave, we get attacked. as simple as that. no one likes war, but it is neccesary sometimes. i know there are bleeding heart people out there who dontr agree with me but i dont want insults from you, i want to here if you disagree with me or not and why.




  1. *sigh*

    I guess I can give you a call to go to Iraq instead of my husband who does not want to go (but who will if he has to go again).

    So tell me how exactly the troops protect us by being in Iraq? You do know that Al-Quaida/Taliban operates out of Afghanistan and the mastermind and sponsor of the 9-11 attacks was Bin Laden and not Hussein? You do know that, right? You also know that it only takes a handful of people to harm hundreds and thousands of people, yes? I am sure you also know that terrorists may very well be already in this country (the U.S.) either as a citizen or on a visa. So how can you say that the troops should not come home?

    I am trying really hard not to "insult" you by pointing out how flawed your opinion is. What you are doing is an insult to the troops and their families. They do not go over there to be heroes; they do what they are told to do and a lot of them only go because they know the consequences if they don't.

    I think it is necessary sometimes to ensure that people are informed. YOU are obviously not.  

  2. They didn't go over voluntarily, they were ordered to go.  And we have had exactly the same number of attacks on America before troops were ever there as after- 0.  Iraq has NEVER attacked America.  Before we ever sent troops in, Iraq never attacked us.  Claiming that bringing the troops home leads to attacks is using fear to make your argument.  Another word for fear is terror.  Do you know what the definition of 'terrorism' is: it's using FEAR to get what you want.

  3. So how long do we stay in Iraq there government wants us out and we need the troops in Afghanistan Remember that's why we went to war trust me a few tours of Iraq and you don't find as many that want to be there and pull the tax break and you find even less

  4. d**n straight I agree with you 100 percent. If we bring the troops home before the job is done we will have another 9/11 and we will be right back over there.  

  5. Many troops had no choice but to join the service to get an education. Many more joined because they truly wanted to defend our country. The problem is, most aren't defending our country. They are liberating Iraq. That's why it's called "Operation Iraqi Freedom". Not Operation American protection.  

  6. ok some of you people are stupid i am in the military just got back a few months ago. One nobody said iraq attacked the US. 2 you are stupid if u dont think alquida and the taliban are not in iraq i can tell u first hand alquida are. 3 we invaded iraq for harboring terrorists which guess what are still there and they are the ones that american soldiers are captureing and killing probly right now while you sit safely in your home at night not here fighting in the streets well if u dont live in one of them ****** up cities.  so who says alquida and other terorist orginizations are not in iraq. oh yea and if we leave iraq thousands if not hundreds of thousands of women and children will be raped and killed and yes i will go back to the first guy that things people who have been to war dont see the point we did grate things and helped a lot of people so to those of you who think we should pull out think about all the women and chilldren that will be killed when the US troops get pulled out

  7. And what is it exactly that they are protecting us from right now lol? Hmmm...nothing! Wow, you may want to do some research on what is going on right now in the world before opening up a can of worms on here.

  8. Thank God there are those who will go and protect us all!!!!!

  9. No one likes war, and those that do have never been in one.

  10. they are protecting THE WORLD

    and they werent forced to go either

    when did we have a manditory draft for this?

    we didnt

    if we hadnt gone over there it would me chaos

    we are known as the world's police

    someone has to help the countries that cannot help themselves

  11. Agree with you!  My hubby is on his 2nd deployment, need I say more?  

  12. We aren't being protected by having our troops exposed to suicide (or as someone called it, "sewer side" bombers in Iraq.  The 9/11 attack was in the US, not in Iraq and not one of the perpetrators was from Iraq.

    What we need is a very strict and limited immigration policy and tight border security to keep undesirables and terrorists out of this country.

    We also need to stop trying to police the world since that just creates enemies.

    I respect the lives of our military and don't like wasting them in a futile, misdirected war based on lies.

    I am a veteran.  My father was a veteran who lost his right arm due to war wounds received in the army.

  13. its because ever since the vietnam conflict our troops have been referred to as heartless baby killers.

  14. Completely with ya. My husband has been active duty for ten years. Gone on four deployments. I had our two children without him because he was serving his country. Nothing makes me madder than when I am driving down the road and I see freaking hippie with their cheesy posters. Saying things like "soldiers are the real terrorists" or "support your troops and bring them home". I would think supporting your troops would be showing them respect and gratitude for their sacrifices and dedication to their country What a slap in the face!

  15. Let's hear it for the troops that went to war so that we can be safe at home; even if there are bleeding hearts that don't understand.

  16. For those with short memory, Saddam was not allowing UN inspectors check for WMD's. Did we find them? That is debatable.

    Did Iraq possess them at some point? Ask the Kurds that he used them on.

    Could one person sneak enough of them in a suitcase to kill or injure 100's of thousands in a major metropolitan area? easily.

    If he had them, why didn't he use them on US troops during the invasion? Using a WMD in your own country is like using a hand grenade in a wrestling match. We were prepared to deal with it, Iraqi troops were not.

    Were American troops forced to go over there? If you joined after 9/11, and didn't think you were going to war, you are a stupid SOB.

    Edit: *sigh*

    Army wife, I would gladly take your husbands place if he is not up to the job.

    Al Qaeda actually does operate out of Iraq, as well as Afghanistan, and about 100 other countries to include the United States.

    Many of those that operate in Iraq were not born in Iraq and never had anything to do with Iraq until the invasion.It is my opinion that there were few if any Al Qaeda in Iraq before the war, but there are many now.  Our presence there drew them to the fight from several different countries, most notably Syria.  You and your husband might like to give them a little breathing room, they will not use that breathing room to calm themselves, but rather to gain strength. Whether we like it or not, our world changed on 9/11. We can chose the battleground, or they can.

  17. Just who, or what are they protecting us from?

  18. Have all of you dissenters forgotten 9/11? We are at war with Islamic fanatics. Our troops cant come home people, because the battle is still ongoing in Afghanistan. Would you have us leave there as well?

  19. The difference is that the war that they are currently fighting is not to protect us. Unless you are talking about the troops in Afghanistan. The war in Iraq is politically motivated and has nothing to do with 9/11 which justified our presence in Afghanistan and not Iraq.

    I have to agree with the first poster. He hit it right on the head.

    Just for the record I have served so I have a little different perspective than those that just blindly follow the political rhetoric.

  20. I'm with JC on this.

    Amanda:  I didn't sign up to take care of any other country but this one.  If you are that concerned about the less fortunate, vote Democrat.  

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