
What is evil eye(buri nazar) and does it work and exist? Can it be dangerous and fatal?

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How does one remove evil eye especially on children that are affected. What is the old method used by our ancestors to cast off the evil.




  1. It's the envy and the bad feelings from peoples who just think in nothing but themselves.And want to prejudice the others.

    But is no good to mistificate all this.

    The best thing to do is pray,or simply ask to our GOD to forgive the guilty one ,cause forgiving all persons that prejudice us, our god will be very generous with us and will protect us from all evilness from bad people.

  2. Oh yes, this does exist in our society.  This can certainly have an effect.

    Some of the methods used to protect the kids are:

    Generally its a practise to keep a dark spot (dot) using kajal, around the cheek of the kids or keep a dark bindhi.

    There is a practise where some of the elders would remove the nazar fallen on the kid, using salt or red chilly.  (This is based on belief)

    Tie a black thread in the hand or waist, after you pray lord and get this from the temple, after a pooja.

    There is no substitute to take the name of your favourite god and keep a tilak when you take the kid outside.  Nothing can strike, if you call out his name.

    Good luck to you.

  3. how can u be sure u r under buri-nazar? but even if u r not taking precaution never harms

  4. There really is no such thing as a evil eye, It has only existed in fairy tales.........  And the Egyptians and the Greeks have written many stories about the 3rd eye etc.. So the evil eye is base on bull-doo--doo that comes from a writer imagination....

  5. There is no such evil eye it is all a blind belief.


  6. this, i found for you.

    The method of removing the Buri-Nazar is very simple and cent percent resultant. Any one can do this for their dear and near one. The simple ‘treatment’ has given very satisfactory result to many persons. This type of removing the Buri-Nazar is widely practiced in every nook and corner of our country by the people of all walks.

    Many a time I ask the sufferers to come to me and I remove their Buri-Nazar. I ask the suffering person to sit on a chair and place a mat under his/her feet in order to avoid direct contact with the earth, and then I clean the person’s face, hands and legs with his/her own and used handkerchief. Then I take seven red chilies, rock salt, mustered and mehti (each one spoon), a piece of Fitkari, a lemon, an used blade in case of grown up man, an used comb and mirror and some time their used chappal also and I place all of them on the handkerchief. I rotate the things in my hand for seven times clockwise and seven times anticlockwise and ask the sufferers to spit for three times on the handkerchief. I also use camphor, lemon and coconut as additional ‘weapon’ for ‘removing’ the Buri Nazar. Thereafter I throw all the articles far away and wash my hand and legs.

    I always suggest people to get removed their Buri-Nazar by any elder persons in their house, at least once in a month. This is not a superstitious act. In my experience I have observed that Buri-Nazar is a very dangerous and always obstruct and cause hurdles in a person’s good progress.

  7. Its all superstious! My ma beleives in buri nazar which she thinks i get every now n then, so she takes a lemon in her hand n revolves it for 4-5 times around my body dy making me stand in front of the door with my back facing the door n then throws it outside the house immediately.

    As i m not superstious, i dun know wether any good has happened to me.

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