
What is exactly GMF? genetic modified food??

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is it the food that are genetically transformed into better production from plants and animals?? I am kinda confuse right now....




  1. When u change certain genes in plant cells, the fruit yielded by that crop is called a GMF.

    For eg, tomato has a habit of softening too fast after it ripens. hence during transport many get mushy and cannot be sold. hence the Flavr Savr variety ws introduced. in this variety the fruit skin softening gene ws replaced by anodr gene that would not cause to fruit to soften too much. So this variety is called a GMF.

    Since plant cells are totipotent (i.e. a cell can give rise to a whole plant), the gene transfer takes place in plant cells...

    The golden rice is also a GMF coz it has more Vit A.

    and der r many more examples.

    Hop u have undrstood..

  2. GMF is the food which has been grown by farmers but has taken the gene out from other vegables to make it how it is. It is also sprayed with pest control which we do not know whether it will have an effect on humans who eat it in their future life.

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