
What is exactly is meant by the "Republican Base" that we hear so much about?

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What is exactly is meant by the "Republican Base" that we hear so much about?




  1. They call themselves "values voters."  Their values include stopping abortion, prayer in the public schools, preventing g*y marriage, and packing the Supreme Court with people who share their views.

  2. The "republican base" refers to the religiously conservative and pro-lifers.

    Oh, and don't forget the gun nuts, which ironically, just want to kill things with their weapons.  

  3. Small government, anti-tax, anti-corruption, Church-going anti-abortionist gun-lovers.

  4. conservative base = rich white men that want to see everyone else get poorer, and dumb trailer trash red-necks who think all the science you need is in the bible.

  5. Both parties have their "base" that they know they can rely on to support them and vote for them.

  6. I hope Obama includes educating his Homies with all his policies! LOL

  7. The foot soldiers of the republican party or its "base" is the fanatical Christian conservatives who will no way, no how ever vote for anyone that talks about progress.  They were not excited about McCain b/c he wasn't crazy conservative enough... so that's why they brought on Palin. She excited the bible thumping, gun toters that will come out in droves to vote for someone as long as they say they are pro-life and anti gun control.  Any other issues are irrelevent and over their head.  Welcome to the Republican Base!

  8. Fundies.  They want a christian theocracy.

    Don't let this happen.

    Obama/Biden   '08

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