
What is exactly known as nano technology ? explain to the extent possible?

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What is exactly known as nano technology ? explain to the extent possible?




  1. nanotechnology means making portability easy.Nanotechnology is a highly multidisciplinary field.when a material is made nano,then magnetic field will be very high and hence self replication is high....i dont know how to simplify this since it has now become an ocean.....

  2. This is the most basic / minute system of making things work. In layman's language, if you ask if people know how it works they reply with a simple "NA" or a "NO". That's what nano technology is all about. But thanks to it, the things seem to shrink in size.

  3. Nano technology is applied in medicine, electronics ,nanotubes etc.

    It is future manufacturing science & technology to produce lighter, cleaner, stronger, low-cost, and more accurate.

    Side effects;-diseases like cancer.

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