
What is exactly the Ergenekon scandal ? Can somebody explain me this issue ?

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I've heard that the governement, currently ruled by the islamist party AKP, has put in prison many people who dared criticize the government, and the prime minister accused them of preparing a military coup.

This "Ergenekon" thing, is this a plain fantasy, or a real secret organization ? I don't understand...

If there is a putsch someday, the islamist party will be dead, of course. But what will happen then ? Who will rule the country ? Ultranationalists ? Socialists? Who ?

Can you enlighten me , please ?





  1. You will only get (biased) opinion in reply to your question, everyone's views are polarised. Until the court(s) rule in the Ergenekon and AKP cases we will not know, and cannot guess the truth or what will result. Only after the judgements are given may we have answers to these questions, and only then if the law has been upheld (which is another question entirely).

    This is a quote from The Turkish Daily News, which, if its sources are genuine, appears to be quite revealing:

    'Troubled minds keep asking, “What now? Where will we heading to?” cannot enjoy this giant step taken towards becoming a “state governed by rule of law.”As for me, I reply to every question about the latest “wave of arrests” in the “Ergenekon investigation” by suggesting, “Read the Coup Diaries.” The “Coup Diaries,” upon a request for an examination made by Ergenekon's prosecutor, Zekeriya Öz, were “technically” proven by the Security Department to have been saved in retired Admiral Özden Örnek's personal computer.

      These “Coup Diaries” have all the answers. The “Coup Diaries” were published in the 22nd issue of the Nokta news magazine, dated March 29-April 4, 2007. It read, “We were saved from Gold Coin and Moonlight 2004! With stunning details…” on the cover, and the details were shared with readers. Here are some excerpts:“January 20, 2004 – I attended the force commanders meeting at the Air Force Headquarters. Since the National Security Council's pre-meeting was rescheduled from Thursday to tomorrow, a new coordination was needed. … During the conversations, Gendarmerie Commander Gen. Şener Eruygur was talking with desire for a coup and asking ‘Let's do it as soon as possible.' Today, he repeated it many times…”

      ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœFebruary 6 2004- I directly headed to the Gendarmerie headquarters in the morning; three of us got together there. We evaluated the situation one more time. The Gendarmerie commander was insisting ‘Let's make a coup”… We convened in the morning to review the options in the Cyprus issue. However, we pushed this aside and engaged in whether or not we will make a coup. It is really difficult to convince Gendarmerie Commander Gen. Şener Eruygur. Although I knew that it would be pointless, I tried to convince him. But I cannot say that I was successful…”A bunch of previous notes: There is another one dated December 6, 2003. It reads:“... We have decided to prepare an action plan.

      - First we were to take over the media.

      - Then to get in touch with university presidents and make students to take streets.

      - We were to act together with labor unions in a similar way as well

      - And hang posters in streets.

      - We were to get in touch with associations and encourage them against the government.

      - All these were to be spread nationwide.

      The above will be named ‘Gold Coin'...”Are you wondering what the Gold Coin (“Sarıkız” in Turkish) attempters were thinking and feeling about the current Land Force Commander Gen. Ä°lker Başbuğ, who is expected to be appointed as the new Chief of General Staff in August? In the diary dated December 1, 2003, they seemingly were disappointed by Başbuğ. Here it is:“The 2nd chief (second Chief of General Staff Gen. Ä°lker Başbuğ) was not the one whom we can trust. His own interests were above that of the nation's and he was not giving us clear answers.”Needless to say, attempting a coup is used synonymously with the “nation's interest.”Similar remarks with reference to Eruygur were used for the current Chief of General Staff Gen. Yaşar Büyükanıt in the diaries dated February 29, 2004.While you read the “Coup Diaries” you see some names taken in custody on July 1, 2008. By the way, contacts with the Republican People's Party, or CHP, and meetings with the CHP's Onur Öymen are frequently mentioned in the pages.And all these shed a light on who reacted how and why after the “wave of arrests” on July 1.

      Indictment is coming:

      Without reading the “Coup Diaries” published in the Nokta news magazine, a sturdy diagnosis on what is going on these days cannot be made. One cannot be a democrat by labeling the “Coup Diaries” and the Ergenekon investigation as “nonsense” and an “urban legend.” One cannot fight for democracy by belittling the “Ergenekon investigation,” the most grave development of our near history and by writing sarcastic articles with titles like “Heryerekon.”The “Coup Diaries” were exposed to a total “media blackout.” At the point we have reached, the sun of perseverance will save the “gold coin” and the “moonlight” coup attempts from any blackouts, as Turkey proceed to become a state governed by rule of law.Besides, acting Istanbul Chief Prosecutor Turan Çolakkadı announced Wednesday that the Ergenekon indictment, consisting of 2,500 pages, is complete and the accused will stand trial for “forming a terrorist organization.”That's all for now.'

  2. There is so much media information on that case that it's not quite clear what's wrong and what's true. Some say those people are criminals other call them heroes.

    In my opinion, nothing of that is true. The Ergenekon case is not judged yet and all the parties inflicted within are innocent until the opposite is proved. This is self evident but in such a case with all the media prejudgments, this principle is more important than ever...

    There are numerous people charged a few days ago because of numerous crimes and it's up to the court to judge upon them.

    This means that you have to be patient until there is a judgment in this case.


    Personally, I am against any illegal activity to remove the leading AKP from power.

    It's up to the Constitutional Court to decide if AKP and its leaders infringed against the Constitution of the Turkish Republic or not. In my opinion as a lawyer they did it and due to the fact this is not criminal law (no presumption of innocence) I can say this without any doubt. The facts are clear (things those people said PUBLICLY) and I think that this party is not bearable within the constitutional system of Turkey and it should be forbidden by the Constitutional Court.

    Some people might say that the AKP was elected in a democratic way and the wish of the majority should be accepted. We should not forget that the Constitution has also a democratic background and was approved by the Turkish people in a popular voting. If the actions of a leading political party are against the law and if there are provisions that such party and its leaders should be banned from politics, there is a democratic legitimation to do that as well.

    Justice will be done... In both cases!

  3. Bon soir mon ami Momo,

    as a member of the Worker Party , i say ,this case  is

    *McCarthyism (Political side)

    **dramatic final and anti-humanism

    **comedie (nowadays they calls this case as "Agarta" )

    now , as the patriots - kemalists and scientific socialists ,what can we do ?

    of course ,we will protest this case in 19 July in Ä°stanbul:

    after AKP , we will elect new PM and parliamentarians  and , i hope and i wish we will reorganize our country more independent (against to EU and US), more Democratic and more social same as during  Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 's times.

    a bientot!

  4. Ergenekon is a story in Turkish mythology(about an uprise of Turks) and it is also the name of a secret organization

    as Figdet said you will only get a biased opinion,

    basically hand grenades(military kind) were found in a house in istanbul

    the right wing claims there needs to be a deep investigation because it could be another plan for a coup(as in the past)

    the left wing says the current government is using this as an excuse arrest innocent politicians, journalist, former military men etc.;... here is another Q on the topic asked by Blunt

  5. Well, it started as a viable investigation about deep ties within the state, like the clean hands investigation in Italy, but then (it seems) AKP decided to use it as the Democles' sword hanging over anybody who dare criticise the government. Today, it has turned into a comedy.

    If AKP is closed down (which willnot be a coup, but the result of serious legal proceedings), new elections will be made and a new  parliament will be in place.

    There is no sound reason behind what people within AKP, USA or EU say to scare people off Turkey.

    Edit: The so called author of the "coup diaries" deny that he wrote them and they arenot included in the investigation.

    You may wonder why, if they are so very viable.

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