
What is existence, but a flaw in the presence of nothing?

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  1. What you asked is an unanswerable question that's far ahead from human knowledge and wisdom. I can only say that exsistence is only what we think it is; the desicribment of somthing that can cause changes in what's called "reality" ( NOT talking about matrix XD) Find someone who is so wise to answer these questions, but they won't be on the internet.

  2. Our life is real but only in the temporal. True reality is spirit and can be had by all through choosing the spiritual reality.

  3. This reminds me of the saying, "darkness is only the absence of light".  Except you have flipped it around by saying, "light is a flaw in the darkness".

    Your statement assumes that the default state is nothingness and it is perfect, and then through imperfections (flaws) we get something.

    Now while I think it is easier to remove all the light in the world and create darkness, or nothingness as you state, I think it would be more flawed than the presence of existence (light).

  4. I dont think you can define existence in terms of the 'presence' of 'flaws'.  

  5. I am not sure.

    But, that sure sounds philosophical

  6. What is nothing, but a flaw in the prescence of existence.

    A matter of perspective.

  7. Exactly. Life is a feverdream on the soul of nonexistence.

  8. That is profound as only premiun fertilizer can be.

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