
What is expectation, why do people expect something, and is expectations a biggest cause of unhappiness?

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What is expectation, why do people expect something, and is expectations a biggest cause of unhappiness?




  1. Expectation is what we hope will take place in the future. Wanting something doesn't guarantee that it will happen the way that we want it.

    Expectations are often fraught with problems of logic.

    It is possible to expect X despite considerable evidence that X will not happen.

    Expectations that aren't met may be a source of unhappiness, however, the emotional response is disappointment.

  2. Expectation Causes Unhappiness For A Man Because A Man Always Expects More Than His Level And Wants More Than His Status. If A Man Thinks And Expects According To His/ Her Status, He/She Wont Be Unhappy.

  3. its definitely  causes unhappiness. we should not expect any thing from others.

  4. I think we all have expectations.  It's the level of expectations that can cause unhappiness.  For example:  If I expect to win the lottery tomorrow and don't than I am bound to be unhappy about it.  However if I diet and exercise and expect to lose a little weight and feel better physically than I most likely won't be disappointed.  You have to expect things and results within your reach or within reason.

    If you marry someone expecting them to change you will be disappointed.  People don't change from what they basically are; so to marry someone expecting them to change is setting yourself up for unhappiness.  I think it works in most things in life.

  5. maybe you'd expect so... but expecting the expectation to always come true I expect is probably the real source....

  6. EXPECTATION Is a mental picture of FUTURE, which is uncertain

    PEOPLE expect to fulfil their DESIRE.

    UNHAPPINESS is the result of unfulfilled desires

  7. Expectation is not really bad.  We expect things because sought something and someone.  Aspire to have something and someone.  It drives the human nature as a dolphin would do a trick for food, quite natural.  What is bad is the inability to accept disappointment, which can drive a man mad, insane to the point of destruction of self and others.

  8. Expectation is the pondering of what might or might not come. People expect something usually based on prior knowledge, and people who find unhappiness in expecting, I don't mean to sound rude, are a bit selfish.

  9. expectations- another word for REWARD. when people do something, they expect to get something back for their trouble, and sacrifice.

    Our culture has always been anxious to associate deed with justified reward. Don't look at me, TV, movies,  eduction, cathechism, the whole world has been telling everybody that we all get just rewards AND punishments.

    Now, imagine the conundrum of someone who has always sacrificed, and NEVER ever got rewarded? Does he or she feel GYPPED?,  TRICKED?, Do these people still believe in a just society?, What about victims of terrible crimes and injustice?

    Yes, it is a source of unhappiness. One of it.

  10. Expectation, another word for reward, is surely a mandatory ingredient for preparing a dish named unsatisfaction.

    Continued unsatisfaction leads to the unhappiness of the mind and uneasiness for soul.

    It has been said, Do karma and don't expect for reward. Whatever you have been doing, you are destined to do it, keep your faith in God and you will achieve what you are set out to achieve. That achievement could be a satisfaction to make someone happy or reach Moksha. Life is not limited to your current lifespan. Patience and persistent Karma will assist you in achieving Moksha, the ultimate goal.

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