
What is expected of a Teachers Aid Job Position?

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What are the good and bad of being a teacher aid? I might have the opportunity for this position.I wanted to know if anybody knew more about this? Pay wise , if they liked it and the expectations of the job?




  1. You help grade papers and just help teh teacher out. When a student has a question, if she asks you to answer, you do it. And thats about it. My teacher had a Teachers Aid and thats what she did.

  2. Well, it kind of depends what grade level, and what sort of aide.  My mother is an aide in grade school for learning disabled students, who need a lot of one-on-one attention and assistance in class, and help with things like getting their lunch and going to the bathroom.

    In general, they make even less than teachers, if that tells you anything.

  3. It completely depends on the school district, the teacher you work with and the students. My guess is that it's for a special needs child. In that case you would be 1:1 with that child all day, helping wherever the need is, academic, behaviorally, socially, etc. I'm a special ed. teacher and I had 5 aides last year. Four 1:1 and one caseload. My caseload has been with me for 8 years and does everything I do for 1/2 the pay except all the paperwork. :) I trained her to do everything. She also doesnt have the same responsibility as ultimately that's all mine. She is the best!! From experience you get moved yearly. You usually don't stay with the same child for more than 2 years. Some years will be great, some can be very long and diffilcut. The pay is not great but the hours are. And the pay is good compared to other minimum wage jobs, considering the opportunities out there for limited experience. If youre hired full time you can get benefits, but many school districts are only hiring part time for that reason. Also as per state law recently passed, you have to be Highly Qualified. This can be achieved by a 2 year degree or equivalency or taking a test which is basic skills up to grade 8. You have until 2010 to acquire that. Most of our aides have started this this summer. Good luck.

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