
What is expected out of "fresh out of college" engineers?

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I will be graduating in a year with my degree in biomedical engineering, even though I think I'm more of an electrical engineer who specializes in medical equipment.

My question is what do companys expect out of me. Do they expect me to be the savior of the company and design everything or will I be learning as I go?

Even though I have alot of basic knowledge in my field I don't think I can actually build something by myself.




  1. They are not expecting you to be an expert engineer.  They know that your practical experience is quite limited.

    However, they expect you to show up with the ability to work hard and apply yourself to solving problems.  They expect that you will show up for work on time and leave at appropriate times.  They expect that you will not take a multi-hour lunch and come back smelling like martinis.  They expect that you'll have basic hygiene and bathe regularly.  You will play nice with others.  They will expect that you will learn the culture of the company and abide by it.  You will be productive...if they don't give you enough to do, improve yourself--learn more about your products and competitor projects.

    They expect honesty.  Don't call in sick unless you are.  Don't call in drunk or hung-over.

    Develop yourslf professionally.  Find a mentor and learn from that person.  Build yourself a 5-, 10-, and 20-year career plan.  Yes, I know it is early, but get those ideas, dreams and goals on paper.  Talk to your mentors and supervisors about the future.

    They hired you because they think you will help--not save--the company.  That will be reserved for some time in the future.

  2. Honestly, so much depends on which company is going to hire you.

    I have a degree in electrical and I am already 5 years in the industry. I guess the best answer to your question is your ability learn and think. Somewhat depends on the school you attended but companies dont expect students "fresh out of college"  to know a whole lot. Most companies train new college gradutes.

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