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WHAT NONSENSE IS THAT EVERYWHERE <<LESS PRIVACY...LESS PRIVACY...>> GO TO h**l >.< >.< what is necessary you dont have .....
Report (1) (0) | 10 years, 9 month(s) ago
Extended family means living in a house with one's parents, grandparents, uncles , aunts and cousins. There are many advantages of living in such a setup, though it has its equal share of disadvantages too. In a joint family economic burdens are equally divided among all the family members, there is a great sense of security, and no one feels alone or left out.
However, on the negative side in a joint family setup, there is no privacy, every one seems to interfere with your personal life and decisions. But i believe that is just a small defect of this system, that can be overlooked for the greater good this system holds.
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it is very practical to live with an extended family as when the parents are not at home then the grandparents will look after the childr4en hope u will like answer
Extended family:More Bread Winners,Adults Share responsiblities,You grow up knowing ur grand parents etc (Advantages).
You might feel left out,Jealousy,Less Privacy,
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Extended family:More Bread Winners,Adults Share responsiblities,You grow up knowing ur grand parents etc
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Latest activity: 10 years, 9 month(s) ago. This question has 10 answers.