
What is extended family and what are the advantages and disadvantages of growing in an extended family?

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  1.  WHAT NONSENSE IS THAT EVERYWHERE <<LESS PRIVACY...LESS PRIVACY...>> GO TO h**l >.< >.< what is necessary you dont have .....

  2. Extended family means living in a house with one's parents, grandparents, uncles , aunts and cousins. There are many advantages of living in such a setup, though it has its equal share of disadvantages too. In a joint family economic burdens are equally divided among  all the family members, there is a great sense of security, and no one feels alone or left out.

    However, on the negative side in a joint family setup, there is no privacy, every one seems to interfere with your personal life and decisions. But i believe that is just a small defect of this system, that can be overlooked for the greater good this system holds.

  3.  it is very practical to  live with an extended family as when the parents are not at home then the grandparents will look after the childr4en hope u will like answer

  4. Extended family:More Bread Winners,Adults Share responsiblities,You grow up knowing ur grand parents etc (Advantages).

    You might feel left out,Jealousy,Less Privacy,

  5. Extended family:More Bread Winners,Adults Share responsiblities,You grow up knowing ur grand parents etc


  6. Extended Family:
    Extended families are families where three or more generations are living in the same house. Usually, that means that the grandparents are living with their children and grandchildren.
    Research has shown that there are several advantages to living in extended families. Extended families are very important in countries where there is no social security net. Extended families help prevent elderly people from becoming poor.
    Another advantage is that the grandparents can look after the children. During the day, the grandparents watch the children to make sure that they are ok. And they also talk to the children when the parents are busy. This helps the children learn their language. And since the children are well taken care of, both of the parents are free to work on the farm or earn money in jobs.

    Sometimes you have no privacy because there are so many members... They can also cause conflict and problems, meddling in other family members' problems...
    less attention given to children by parents, more conflicts and less privacy

    While it is advantageous when you have a problem to have other members around to help, sharing other family members' problems can also become burdensome on other members... so that you not only have your own problems to worry about, but those of your extended family.
    Yeh so i hope this information helps you people in need of this!!!!!!!! :)

  7. Extended families are bigger than the immediate families. Other than Husband, Wife and possibly a child, they may also include grandpa, grandma, uncle, aunty, cousins etc.

    The Advantages of joint families could be- When you have a problem, you have many other members to help you, very important in countries with no social security net, reduces burden of work, develops traditions in younger generation and more social healthiness.

    The disadvantages could be
    less attention given to children by parents, more conflicts and less privacy

  8. i was faced with a similar question while writing an essay and had to go to great pains to answer i really hope this answers your extended family is one which consists of more family members such as the  grand parents aunts, uncles,and so on.the advantages of having an extended family is tht there is a feeling of security in the household with the elderly members of the family.also,if you were to leave the country they would take care of the house in your absence and feed any pets you might have.also,if both your parents work then the grand parent can take care of their children without your having to apply for a sitter which is a very horrible leave your kids with som1 u trust is wayyy better.they also support you and you are emotionally well balanced and at least you know your grand parents.
    the dis ads;
    your parents will have to adjust to the others family i.e. their in laws and this will definitely rouse arguments and fights.also there will be less income as the no. of dependents in the house is more. that all i have for now hope it helps!

  9. An extended family is a fanily that consists of atleastt three generations.It consists of grandmother grandfather child/children mother father cousins aunts and uncles.Some advantages of an extended family is that it would help prevent the elderly ones from getting poor.The children would have more people to interact with.Also the grandparents can look after children so that the parents can be free to go out and work for money.The  children would learn more about the old time dayz.
    The children may feel safer around so many people tthan arond just a few people.Some disadvantages are that less attention to parents due to a larger number of dependants.Also they would have less privacy due to the amount of members.THere would be more arguments in the house.The child would not have much input on decision making either.I hope you take my advice

  10. extended family is the family that is composed of mother,father,sister,brother,grand parents,aunts and ancles living in a same household or separeted.adv:very good support,disadv:suficien economic support.

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