
What is fair to be expected from a 15 year old boy?

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such as chores, allowance, curfew, etc., and what is fair for Mom to be responsible for? Thanks in advance to all who answer. I am looking for any workable ideas




  1.    You didn't mention a father,so if your living at home with mom she probably needs al the help she can get to keep you fed and living ina decent place while she's working to keep food on the table and a roof over your head,quityourbitchin.

  2. It is fair to give him specific tasks that help around the house, with siblings, with yardwork...tasks that teach him a measure of responsibility as well as a work ethic...Mom needs to be responsibile for what Moms should be....being a good parent.

    The lack of a teenage work ethic, and the lack of parental guidance is a huge part of what's wrong with our country today.  Many parents think that love is nothing more than shelling our for their kids, literally.  Kids think their parents, and subsequently, the world owes them a living.  

    Be a responsible parent, love your children...but love them enough to help them mature and grow into a responsible adult...who will also be a good parent like yourself.      

  3. I am also 15, I am a girl but I don't think it makes much of a difference. I will just tell what I do. I load and unload the dishwasher whenever it needs to be done, and take out all the trash on Mondays and the kitchen trash whenever it gets full. My mom cooks my dinner but i make my own breakfast and lunch usually. My mom does my laundry only if my room is clean. If i leave any clothes on the floor I do it myself for a week. I get $5 a week for my jobs. My mom pays for my cellphone basic plan but not ringtones or texting over 250 messages. I don't have a curfew set in stone but it is usually 10 or 11 depending on where I am.  

  4. You know, every family is differn't..I think the main thing is just give him some responsibilites.As he gets older give him a few more that are more serious.. As he grows up having responablites won't seem like a big deal to him.It will help him all through his life. Think of a person who takes on his first job and a person who takes on a job and has never had any responsabilites. Who is going to do better???

  5. Well being a 15 year old myself, I am expected to wash dishes, clean room/make bed, vaccuum occassionaly and put garbage out, help out in the kitchen at dinner time, take care of pets, and any other chores my parents request.  My mom usually leaves me a list everyday when she's at work of things that need done.  A good curfew time could be between 9-10:30 on weekends and 8-9 on normal nights.  I think a mom should not have to do all the chores so she should make lists of chores for each member in the family to do so everyone shares the load.  For allowance I think it should go by how many chores were done.  Maybe 5 -10 dollars a week is good for a start and increasing if more chores are done.  Good luck with what you're doing. :D

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