
What is fast remedy of mild asthematic effect?

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What is fast remedy of mild asthematic effect?




  1. For mild asthma attacks, coffee works wonders.  It's the combination of the heat and the caffeine that opens up the bronchial passages.  Tea works in a pinch, but not as well as coffee.

  2. i am also asthama pacient

  3. Probably Koryo Hand Therapy would be your best bet - simple for laypersons to learn the points and how to tape the dia seeds on.

  4. Take very little fd and no rice. Go for walk in fresh dry atmosphere

  5. hey, there is remedy thing for it if you are willing to work at it.....its called the buteyku method of breathing......its amazing...i hav severe asthma....or rather i had it, cos its pretty much gone would have to loook up someone who knows how to teach the is very very effective. apparently there are people who have been on oxygn all their life have done it and are now off oxygn and leading a proper and almost normal life.

    Anyway, good luck with it.

  6. There is a fast remedy for mild effect: Inhalers.  Immediate,fast and most effective.  Do not use it continuously.

    Do not think of self medication.  It is too dangerous.

    Consult a pulmonologist and a physician.  They will diagnoise the reason for the attack and suggest various measures to control it without medication.

    Pranayama and disciplined life style will help to control the attack. Avoild food stuffs, which makes your system irritable, avoid stuffy and dusty atmosphere and reduce your anxiety or stress level.

    Take care.


  7. oregano oil helps us

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