
What is fear and how do you overcome it?

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What is fear and how do you overcome it?




  1. The best solution to overcome fear, is to Confront obstacles you

    like the least, if you don't , your Fear will persist.

    You Must fight it , otherwise you're in trouble.

  2. I have asked myself this many times, but the above comment can't be right because, for example, i was afraid of being murdered, how would i thrust myself into murder?


  3. closed your eyes

  4. Fear is the oppositee of faith. (Example) most of us have a fear of speaking  in public. But others (like politicians) thrive on it. It is because they have a different kinds of fear than we do. (say getting sick) So they have FAITH in their public speaking abilities, but see a doctor at every sniffle. We have FAITH that we will not be very sick, if at all, from being exposed to the kids at the day-care. So the way to overcome fear is by replacing it with faith.

    I once knew a lady who was afraid of nearly everything. She was nearly incapacitated to live. (she couldn't live normal) She replaced  fear by faith in Christ Jesus after she began to read the Bible  and listen to preachers that taught about fear.    

  5. fear is something you need to experience in life and to overcome it you thrust yourself into it.

  6. Fear is a response given out by your body. Can result in all kinds of ways.

    Your body will act in a ' fight or flight' response. It's hard to overcome it without help or a very strong determination as it's something hard to control.

    People will tell you it's easy but they haven't experienced it and are just trying to give advice.

    Face it yourself with a friend or see a doctor. I feel with you.

  7. If you think you're afraid then you

    feel fear.  It's an emotion that can

    cripple you.  Don't allow it to.

    Push yourself through whatever

    you're concerned about.  You

    can do it.

  8. Fear, as long as it has not yet become a phobia is generally a good thing. It creates a higher sensitivity to possible danger and in that way actually keeps you safer by helping you be more careful. It may be fear that makes a child step back from a precipice but that is the very thing that saves his life. Overcoming fear is about reason, about learning to see thoughit so it doesn't blind you. A child acts on instinct and because of that fear saves their lives, an adult has the choice to act on purpose chosing to eother listen to reasonable fear or look beyond it and accept a little danger. After all that is the spice of life.  

  9. fear is a perception. I overcome it by ignoring it.

  10. a primal instinct...why would u want to over come it when it was designed over the millennium to save your life

  11. Fear is an emotion in response to how you conceive of your situation or circumstances.  No one know exactly what emotions are, just how they behave.

    Example:  You are crossing train tracks and see a training coming toward you, going fast.  You see a threat, a danger, and you respond with fear.

    Fear in essence is not bad, that is it is a warning, and the emotion is a motivator to do something about the perceived threat. We often make it  worse by dreaming up things to worry about and fear that we really do not need to.

    Problem is, we see a lot of threats that are not real dangers, just perceived dangers (that is, we think they are dangers when in fact they are not).

    To deal with fear: (1) identify it; l What is it that scares me?  (2) Face it, don't hide from it (hiding from it causes underlying anxiety--you can't totally fool yourself).  (3) Analyze it: Just how real or probable is the threat and how bad? (4)  Then do what you can to be ready for it or eliminate it. (5) If you can't totally eliminate it or prepare for it, you must face it and do the best you can.

    Example: You are living alone, and your paycheck is all you have to live on. However, you have hear through the "grapevine" that layoffs are coming.  You talk to some people at work to find out what you can about how likely it is, check your level on the seniority scale.  So you prepare, by saving all the money you can as quickly as you can.  You go for some job interviews on your day off--maybe you can get another job and avoid the layoff entirely!.  Then, it's wait and see, but at least you are doing what you can.

  12. Rational or irrational?

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