
What is felony probation? i have never even been on any form of probation and i just my get felony probation.

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What is felony probation? i have never even been on any form of probation and i just my get felony probation.




  1. Probation rules vary by state, and vary depending on the offense, so it is difficult to answer your question.

    You will be assigned a Probation Officer, and he will go over a list of rules you will be required to follow. If you are found in violation of those rules, your probation could be revoked, and you could go to jail for the remainder of your probation.

  2. Hello Jessica. To answer your specific question, a person commits a felony crime and is indicted. They go to court and either plead out or is found guilty during trial.

    At this point in time, a Judge will make a decision as to whether that person can exist within society under strict supervision (probation) or must be incarcerated.

    Felony probation simply means that you are on probation ( instead of prison) for commission of a felony.

    For whatever it is worth, read your rules (sanctions) imposed by the court and your PO and follow them. Life under supervision on the street is FAR more desireable than living in prison.

    Best of luck and I hope this is useful to you

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