
What is female puberty like?

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What is female puberty like?




  1. suckish lol

  2. lets just say men have it easy lol

  3. well, we get our period, pimples, mood swings, more hair in different places.... and well....... our hormones change, so we may act different, we get taller, most of us gain a little extra weight.  

  4. Embarrassing.  All of your friends seem to have C-cups, while you're still in A.  The celebration that comes along with the first period is awful.  My mom and I had a woman's day out.  Pimples are the end of the world.  It seems like the entire world is able to see your development.  It's hard because your body is becoming a woman, but you still feel like a child.  I think that is why girls mature faster.  Our minds are forced to catch up to our bodies.  

  5. Embarrassing, you grow taller than boys so it's awkward when you like some guy who is shorter than you. Odd when you get your period because sometimes you forget to take care when you sit and sleep and end up maybe getting red spots on the front of your pants or maybe wet your bed and in the morning you see this big red stain. Sad when you start getting zits and you realize that you miss your skin from when you were in primary school, you had veryy clear skin. @ the period thing, unfair when you get cramps and then you have to go for a run in p.e.

    and the stupid male gym teacher doesn't care if you get cramps.  Growing

    hair in places you never expected to grow and now... you're hairy and have to shave at least everyday.

    Honestly, I would rather go through male puberty. :[

  6. it's like HORRIBLE! LoL

  7. it's terrible and the period is a pain in the butt

  8. h**l on earth. And the best part is, you're never really done with it - periods keep on coming, long after puberty is completed. Then there's pms, which is in turn causes, constipation, mood swings, headaches, depression, bloating (up to as much as 5lbs of weight gain from water), sore aching b*****s that hurt even when walking too fast, and cramps. Just a general feeling of crapiness that can last from a week or more. Then after all that, all we have to look forward to is menopause, which I hear is no walk in the park.

    During puberty you're essentially a little girl still, growing into a woman's body and being stared at as a s*x object, aka, piece of meat. Very unnerving at times.

    Women don't get nearly enough respect. Men have it SO easy.

  9. it certainly isn't any joyride. periods are pretty gross and the cramps are horrible, one time they hurt so bad i cried. pmsing also drains your energy and sometimes you just want to lay around. bloating makes your clothes tighter, and always makes me selfconsious that i look much bigger. during your period your b***s can also hurt really bad for no reason at all. if a girl is ever pmsing, just be nice and know your lucky to be a guy.

  10. a pain in the ***. the only good thing that comes out of it is the b***s and the hips. periods are not a joy there a really chore just like shaving your legs and armpits lol. your lucky your a bloke  

  11. h**l!

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