
What is femininity??

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It has been said that I am too tom-boy, and need to be more feminine - does this mean make-up and dresses? Isn't femininity more than that? How can I be a tom-boy and still be feminine?




  1. Femininity is doing what men tell you.

    Be a tom-boy and if men and boys don't like it: tough for them.

    I take it you like running and jumping, swings, bikes and all of the other things that boys are supposed to like. Keep on doing it, be yourself, men are arseholes - look at Big Brother at the moment, how Rex treats his girlfriend Nicole. He doesn't treat her like a person, to him she's just a thing to kiss and cuddle and order about, she is just being his fantasy and the cost of behaving in this way will be her own identity.

  2. I really think you can.  Femininity is simply the characteristics and mannerisms associated with the female gender.  Things like grace, tact and kindness are things that greatly increases the appearance of femininity.

  3. if anyone says that to you tell them that i the past femininity was being a housewife/ mother. and then say the image of women has changed femininity has been distorted and no one knows what it is anymore. femininity can be seen as sexuality but say to these people that femininity can now been see as women throwing themselves at men e.g pornography and do you really want me to be one of those girls? i think not. argument over.. just be who you want to be there is no set feminine in the world.

  4. Molding yourself into a stereotype that you're not congruent with does not make you feminine

    Be yourself, stand up for yourself and what you believe in, be confident, be compassionate, be open minded, pursue your interests, and don't ever apologize for any of me, that is femininity, living life with such passion and sincerity

  5. Be who you wanna be,never mind what anybody else thinks

  6. You can be a "Tom Boy" and still be feminine

    No problem!

  7. Well, the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive, i.e. I regard femininity as having qualities like Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie or any other hot woman on television.  But at the same time, I've known lots of women who can do automotive repairs way beyond my abilities, so that doesn't make them any less feminine in my humble opinion.

    I suppose there's a degree in subjectivity in what is regarded as truly "feminine."

    Rosie O'Donell is not feminine.  She typifies the average adult Polar Bear.

  8. just carry on the way you are.  I'm like you in that respect.

  9. Feminity involves doing most if not everything in the user manual of the traditionally ideal woman. Wearing make up and dresses, being interested in dollies and kittens, liking the colour pink, being flirty and giggly all the time, etc.

    I think your better off holding on to your tomboy status, but thats just my opinion as a proud tomboy! Being a tomboy doesn't mean you're completely stripped of your femininity though.

    In a nutshell, just be who you want to be - only you can know what will make you the happiest.  

  10. How you dress is irrelevant; it is how YOU are inside that denotes how feminine you are. When you are really feminine, it doesn't matter what you wear, your feminine side will show through anyway. And many girls are totally feminine without make up and fancy dresses, they are just feminine on the isnde and it shows on the outside naturally.
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