
What is feminism?

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How do you define feminism?




  1. Womem who say that they wnat to be equal with men but really think they are better

  2. Feminism- communism-bitchisim. All the same oh and men haters also.

  3. It's a hateful ideology h**l bent on female supremacy. No better than the KKK or the n***s. All hate groups. In this case it's hatred of men but it comes with it's own hypocrisy. Supposedly they are both "equal" (with regards to men) and the victim when it is to a feminist's benefit

    Edit: To Aya, No. You aren't.

  4. It is a dastardly plot to undermine the family and thus instigate the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it.

  5. it is woman rights and now what is fetishism?

  6. I think it's a group of people who think women only matter and men are nothing.

  7. An attempt to change the way life is.. Why can't people just be themselves..

    Baiscly, bunch of women trying to be men..

  8. Feminism was originally fighting for womens right to vote, work etc.

    This has now happened and you get pockets of neo-feminists who call themselves feminists but really want females to be superior in everyway. There are plenty of examples on Y/A.

    Feminists = People who fought for their rights.

    Neo-feminists = Feminazi's who want to dominate men.

  9. Feminism will go down into history lane as a movement of pedophelia and divorce.

  10. Evolved hatred and payback?

    I dunno.

  11. A movement that fight for special rights, laws, benefits and privileges that favor women but discriminated against men.

  12. L*****n women wanting to be treated like a man

  13. a woman ,not L*****n ,who fights for womans rights

  14. More accurate to talk about 'feminisms' -  conflict theoretical perspectives which attempt to explicate women's subjugation in most societies.  Yet, also offers  ideology to challenge the dominant societal ideologies which supports their subordination.

    Like most proposed revolutionary theoretical positions, critics have focused on some of the most extreme political views, or, simply made stuff up to denigrate it.  But whichever way women want to go with adherence to feminist principles, its perspectives have influenced and underpinned so much that has such positive affects on all our lives.

    For me, feminism is a personal inherent part of my belief system...equality of opportunity, freedom, and basic human rights for all, not predicated on male, racial or class privilege.

    Oh! and if feminists hate men...and most contributors on here acknowledge that at least historically women have been treated fairly badly...from witch hunts to not attending colleges in any great number until the 1960's...why have we not turned to violent means responding to the vitriol often expressed on here? Its about valuing women not denigrating has nothing to do with men! Lets face it for centuries men had rights, and had little regard for women! You did not need to have that sort of regard for mere property.

    Please read anything by bell hooks, who discusses this 'synthesis' of feminist perspectives so well.

  15. Originally it was to be admired .....when women were treated as lesser beings than men as in the right to vote, education etc.  It has gone too far now and the boilogical gender differences are not given due respect.  The modern femanist looks down their nose at just about everyone and everything that suggests endorcement of these differences.  For example there are certain things a woman cannot do and also things a man can not do......these should be embraced and celebrated.  Not in women take steroids, lift weights, and loose themselves to compete where their natural body attributes do not allow.  Mentally ALWAYS there should be equal respect but physically celebrate and welcome the differences.

  16. To Hodgi-

    We ARE better...

  17. It depends on who you are. To me it means accepting the women are as good as men in their own way and they should be fully accepted and rewarded for their efforts.

  18. A broad social movenment, taking in many different strands.

    For me Feminism is about pushing for parity of esteem.

  19. Humanism is the historical rise of men above Master /Slave moralities into liberty, democracy and legal protections of their unalienable rights and into self-determination.  Feminism is an offshoot of humanism and is the rise of women above the Master / Slave moralities in society and within our cultural institutions into legal protections for our unalienable human rights, into self-sufficiency / liberty, and self-determination.

  20. My definition of feminism would be in two parts.

    1). A "feminist" is someone who is interested in studying and understanding gender as a system of cultural signs or meanings assigned (by various social mechanisms) to sexually-dimorphic bodies, and who sees these cultural signs which constitute gender as having a direct effect on how we live our individual lives and how our social institutions operate.

    2). Secondly, a "feminist" is someone who sees the gender systems currently in operation (in our culture and in other cultures) as structured by a basic binary opposition--masculine/feminine--in which one term, masculine, is always privileged over the other term, and that this privileging has had the direct effect of enabling men to occupy positions of social power more often than women. (Note: not all men eligible to occupy these positions of power; other binary oppositions are always also at work, such as old/young, or rich/poor, which will mitigate the effect of gender alone; hence a rich old woman might have more forms of social power that a poor young man. Obviously, too, this formulation depends on the kinds of social power one is discussing. Similarly, some women hold these positions, again dependent on other forms/positions of empowerment (race, class, education, age, physical ability, etc.). But the basic idea is, if you focus only on the male/female distinction, more men will wield social power (historically and cross-culturally) than women.

  21. A load of c**p...

    Women standing up for womens rights and equality by turning into men themselves - kinda hypocritical if you ask me.

    IMO, i would say that true feminism would be doing what it is natural for women to do - nuture the children, keep the home, look pretty, be the backbone of the family - AND still demand equal right to men in other aspects.
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