
What is fiber... they say its good for you but what is it?

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What is fiber... they say its good for you but what is it?




  1. When they say fiber as in food it is mainly unprocessed foods like vegetables and unprocessed grains like whole wheat or corn, etc. is what that they mean.

    Fiber is part of the food that is not digested and moves through you. So basically it comes out as it went in for instance corn.

    White bread has no fiber or little fiber – whole wheat contains lots of fiber.

    For instance white processed bread is made from wheat which has been stripped of everything. Only the inner part (endosperm) is used and all of the outer covering which contains the fiber called bran and the germ (wheat germ which contains vitamins) are stripped from the grain.

    Quite often the endosperm is also processed and bleached after being stripped which makes it even worse for your body..

    Anything made from white flour contains very little fiber. Meats are not considered to contain much fiber.

    Most fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes (peas, beans etc), nuts contain fiber. You have to chew them well to release the enzymes from them. The enzyme help in the digestion of the food and chewing also releases the vitamins from the fibers.

    Fibers are beneficial as they help move the foods through you digestive tract and bowels faster. Therefore the waste of the chewed foods do not sit in your intestines for as many days and do not have time to putrefy and toxins do not have time to buildup and cause all sorts of problems as well as eventual colon cancer.

    There is a also a connection between fiber and healthy arteries and a healthy heart.

    Your body is a wonderful living mechanism/organism and one of the most important things you can do for it is to give it proper nutrition including high fiber from fresh vegetables and fruits (generally local is better as they are fresher and have not had time to loose all their micronutrients and vitamins and still contain enzymes.  

    Equally important is good quality protein and lots of pure water. Water helps in digestion and reduces the strain from your kidneys and helps in the cleaning out of toxins from your blood and tissues. If you do not drink enough water food has to stay in your colon longer because the moisture from it has to be reabsorbed. And therefore cause hard stools and constipation.

    Exercise is also very important because it helps eliminate buildup of dead tissues and moves your lymphatic system. Your blood has a pump to move it your lymphatic system only has your movements to make it flow. Don’t move enough and the dead tissues and waste products sit around in your lymphatic system.

    You also need adequate rest and sleep so your tissues can regenerate and relaxation and pampering like a gentle massage every once in awhile.

  2. Dieters like it 'cause it's got no calories and speeds up digestion. Also, it makes your bowel movements really soft and easy to pass.

    You know, I can so tell this is your first time using Y!A. I did this the first time I got an acct. I asked just like, a whole BUNCH of questions, even if I already sorta knew the answer, or even if the questions weren't of real importance. LOL! Have fun. Oh, and you should know, asking questions costs you points. Points are good if you wanna level up.

  3. its good for you because its harder to break down than it is it takes longer for your body instead of it going straight to your blood also helps you go to the bathroom (#2)

  4. Fiber is a virtually indigestible substance that is found mainly in the outer layers of plants. Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate that passes through the human digestive system virtually unchanged, without being broken down into nutrients. Carbohydrates constitute the main source of energy for all body functions.

    Almost everyone hears about the need for enough fiber in the diet. But few people understand the importance of dietary fiber - or where to get it.

    Fiber is important because it has an influence on the digestion process from start to finish:

        * Because it demands that food be more thoroughly chewed, fiber slows down the eating process and helps contribute to a feeling of being full, which in turn can help prevent obesity from overeating.

        * Fiber makes food more satisfying, probably because the contents of the stomach are bulkier and stay there longer.

        * Fiber slows digestion and absorption so that glucose (sugar) in food enters the bloodstream more slowly, which keeps blood sugar on a more even level.

        * Fiber is broken down in the colon The main part of the large intestine, responsible for absorbing water and salts from the digested products of the small intestine, and passing the digested products into the r****m for removal from the body. (the main part of the large intestine) by bacteria (a process called fermentation), and the simple organic acids produced by this breakdown helps to nourish the lining of the colon.

        * These acids also provide fuel for the rest of the body, especially the liver, and may have an important role in metabolism.

    Substantial amounts of fiber can be found in foods such as:

        * All-natural cereals

        * Whole-grain breads

        * Beans

        * Fruits

        * Vegetables

        * Nuts

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