
What is first class?

by  |  earlier

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well, i know what it is, but what does it include? like, food (for under 21, so no drinks) and what els does it include?




  1. first class is like doing nothing and everyone does it for you......and yes food and drinks are included....basically when you have 1st means that u dont have to lift a finger to get wht u want...everything they will get right away for u

  2. Better, roomier seats (no middle seat).  Priority in check-in, priority in getting rebooked if your flight is canceled/delayed; priority in boarding.  Double frequent-flyer miles.

    Generally you'll get real food, and free alcohol.  Some airlines extend courtesy visits to their lounges for first-class passengers, who don't already have memberships.

    I fly it primarily for the better seats, and the priority for re-booking if my flight's delayed/canceled.

  3. First Class is everything the rest of us don't get.  The seats are roomier and more comfortable.  (You can actually sleep in one.) and the food and beverage service is better.

    On most airlines, FC passengers are allowed to use the lounge and get better booking service, better treatment if a flight is cancelled, and additional frequent flyer miles.

    Have a good trip!

  4. Food

    *more quantity

    *more quality

    *more choices


    *Bigger, softer seats

    *more leg room

    *usually at the front of the plane (meaning quieter)


    *Bigger entertainment systems

    *more private; most of the time flight attendants keep economy class passengers from lurking around first class

    *VIP lounge at the airport - first class passengers wait for boarding in a "VIP" room at an airport terminal.

    and before I forget, First class is much, much more expensive

  5. Bigger and more comfortable seats, the chance to have better quality food and upscale alcohol.

  6. First class includes special treatment, having more comfortable seats than on any other usual plane, cocktails, celebrities, and other AWESOME stuff!
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