
What is for dinner?

by Guest66935  |  earlier

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okay im about to go the store and i am either going to make pizza, lasagna, or pasta for dinner. the pizza and lasagna are frozen, but the pasta would be a pain to make, mainly to clean up afterward (the least fun part of cooking.)

so which would you cook?








  1. lasagna!!

    save the clean-up for when you haven't been working all day.

    save the pizza for a day when you need some junk food. =)

  2. pizza and salad w/pepsi

  3. Pasta is easiest, and can be made in one pot, so it is easy to clean up.

  4. frozen pizza is good :D!!!

  5. It's too hot to cook, at least here.  Grab a jar of pesto, boil some pasta, toss, and top with fresh grated Parm, asiago, and Romano.  And grab a thing of garlic cheese bread from the freezer section.  And a bag of salad mix.

    I would kill to stick my head inside a freezer case right now.

  6. I would have to say pasta would be good even thouit would be a pain because the cleaning. but you can just make enough to eat and you will not have to much or to little. It would be less to store after it is cooked

  7. go for the pizza, but that pasta sounds well worth the mess, yummy

  8. lasagna sounds really good!
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