
What is found in synapse

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what is found in the synapse? general




  1. technically nothing. a synapse is the space (or junction) between a dendrite and an axon. a nervous impulse travels down the axon, across the synaptic cleft and is picked up by the dendrite of the next nerve. but often you would find neurotransmitters in a synapse which transmit a chemical signal... it gets a bit more complex than that if you want more...

  2. there are more than one neuron involved in transmission of a nerve impulse..the neurons are never in physical contact..the point at which the nerve impulse passes from one end to another is synapse

    at its free end the axons of the pre synapic neurons breaks up to minute branches which terminate into small swellings called synaptic k***s or terminal buttons...

    these are in close proximity to the dendrites of another neurons called as the postsynaptic neuron.the space betweem them is synaptic cleft

    in the ends of synaptic k***s,there are synaptic vesicles  which secrete a chemical,the NEUROTRANSMITTER,SECRETED IN SYNAPTIC CLEFT.......

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