
What is frames of refrence?(in physics)?

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What is frames of refrence?(in physics)?




  1. Frame of are right... its hard to find a clear definition out there.

    It is when there is acceleration relative to something else.  i.e.  If you are in a car that is accelerating then you are in a different frame of reference relative to someone standing out on the street.

    NOTE:  Frame of reference is not related to velocity...only acceleration.    i.e  If you are moving at a CONSTANT speed of 60mph inside of a car you will be in the SAME frame of reference as someone standing in the street.  This is because there is no acceleration relative to you and the person in the street.

  2. Let's say you are talking about speed. You won't know if an object is going fast or slow if you do not have another object to compare it to. This "other object" is what you call your frame of reference.

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