
What is france famous for?

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  1. French is the worlds second most spoken language. A number of English words come from french. Entrepreneur, fiancee are just two examples

    It is famous for food (haute cuisine, Camembert), engineering (Eiffel Tower, Concorde, Airbus, Renault,) great artists (Monet, Toulouse latrec.)

    Liberal attitudes - great love making

    Philosophers including Voltaire who discovered the unit of electricity that we call VOLTS

    Is that enough for you.

  2. The Eiffel Tower. Also, France gave the United States the Statue of Liberty.

    The greatest cemeteries in the world are in Paris, France. They also have wonderful wines and delicious cheeses.

  3. the revolution/ execution of the monarchy is one key aspect of french history.

    If you mean food: cheese, wine, champagne, croissants, fresh delicious bread, snails etc the stereotype.

  4. France is known for the architecture,(look up Paris)

    culture, and of course the food,

    not to forget, all the wines, cheeses,

    France is the biggest producteur of cheeses:

    It depends on how one counts it. It's actually not quite sure. Everybody says "upwards of" large numbers, such as 350, 400, 500. Some say it's closer to 1,000.

    that is a lot of cheeses?!

    one must not forget France's history,

    look it up on wikipedia,

  5. Weird and wonderful food, gorgeous/arrogant people, language that is somewhere between baby talk and a bad cold, excellent wines, perfume, lovely cities, street music

  6. Its various cheeses, wines, fashion and the Eiffel Tower of course :)

  7. The Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe. Jeanne d'Arc.

  8. Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, Les Halles, Palais Royal, Musée d'Orsay, Champs Elysèe, Montparnasse, Moulin Rouge, Notre Dame, and Montmartre

    fashion, wine, soap, cheese, bread, pastries, and high speed train


  10. High technologies : TGV trains and Airbus Industry

                                      Spatial and military industry

                                       Dassault planes


                                       NGO medical world actions


                                       Bests motorways in the

                                       world - building motorway

                                       StPetersbourg  Moscow

                                       Nuclear industry - civil and military

                                       First world computer engineering

                                       company : Cap Gemini

                                        Major road infrastructure and public

                                        works : Lefebvre - GTM - Spie    


                                        Third world car-maker : Renault + Nissan


                                         second department store group

                                         after Wall Mart : Carrefour


                                         Second world group for spirits and

                                         drinks - Pernod-Ricard

                                         Major world country for tourism and



                                         Major for wine and wine science and

                                         oenology teaching



  11. All that is good in the world:

    cheese, art, wine and history (not always in that order)

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