
What is french?

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What is french?




  1. I love Stephane m answer

  2. French is a language and has derived from France.

    It is the native language of French people.

  3. It's a special life-style! French like to eat/drink very well,love "heaty" discussion and their Pernod to go with.

  4. Um, something from France?

  5. mayonnaise, deviled eggs (oeufs mayonnaise), foie gras (goose liver pate), champagne, baguettes (French bread), steak frites (steak and fries), eclairs, croissantes, Renault and Peugeot cars, etc.

  6. Black bitter chocolate

    Hate of immodesty

    Little black dresses

    Hidden elegance based upon signs

    Worship of intelligence

    Despise for money-makers

    Laser eyes

    Hate of raw force

    Capacity to infiltrate everywhere and disappear in the landscape



    Love for animals

    Strong moral and civic values hidden under sarcasm

    Endeavouring of very unpolite invador neighbours for decades

    Nostalgy of country life

    Wonderful home-dinners in very private life

    Taste for wines and discussions around it

    Very aware of the existence of people such as Guardia -

    no reason to worry

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