
What is full duplex?

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What is full duplex?




  1. Full Duplex - is a system that allows communication in both directions at the same time. Example, land-line phone

  2. Full-duplex data transmission means that data can be transmitted in both directions on a signal carrier at the same time. For example, on a local area network with a technology that has full-duplex transmission, one workstation can be sending data on the line while another workstation is receiving data. Full-duplex transmission necessarily implies a bidirectional line (one that can move data in both directions. ;)

  3. to give an example - if you call a friend on the phone then you say something, he listens. he says something, you listen. This is called half duplex. Full duplex would mean that you both talk at the same time. As you can understand this means twice as much information is transmitted, but it also means it is more difficult, so you need equipment that can handle it.

  4. Packets can travel both ways (Transmit and receive at the same time)
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